Note Card Necessities: What You Need To Craft Your Own Personalized Note Cards

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If you enjoy crafting items to use at home or to give as gifts, creating your own personalized note cards is a fun and rewarding hobby you should consider trying. Personalized notecards can be used for sending words of encouragement to a friend or family member and can also be used as greeting cards for special occasions and holidays. With a few supplies on hand, you will be ready to create unique cards to encourage the special people in your life.

Blank note cards

While you can create your own note cards using card stock paper, purchasing a box of ready-made note cards will make it simple to design a unique card in minimal time. Choose a box of white note cards and a box of off-white note cards to get started. Use the white for informal correspondence and the off-white for formal occasions, such as thank you notes or invitations.

Stamps and stencils

Having a good supply of stamps and stencils on hand allows you to design a fun note card for any occasion. Start with a few basic stamps and stencils and add to your collection as able. Alphabet stamps are fun to use when designing cards and creating your personal message.

Stickers and washi tape

There is no end to the types, colors, and themes of stickers available. From children's stickers to sports teams and hobbies, you can find stickers to suit any occasion for note card making. Washi tape makes a great decorative accent for note cards, and the adhesive backing makes it easy to remove and rearrange the tape when designing a card.

Paints, markers, and pens

Use high-quality pens, markers, and pens when designing cards for the best result. Look for special markers that will not bleed through the card. Archival quality inks will stand the test of time and keep your note cards preserved for years to come.

A storage system

Invest in a good storage system for craft supplies to keep your card making supplies organized and ready to use when needed. Purchase a larger unit to allow for growth as you collect more supplies. See-through units allow you to grab supplies with ease, and don't forget to purchase a smaller travel version to take supplies with you if you plan to craft when traveling.

Creating your own personalized note cards is a fun and practical hobby. Once you have some basic supplies on hand, you will be able to design unique cards for any occasion. Your cards will contain a one-of-a-kind design and sentiment that will delight the recipient.
